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Aloha, my name is Dheane Galiza. I am the daughter of Daicy Balico and my mom lost their home along with other families from the Lahaina wildfire. My stepdads family has also lost their home as well. We were all separated when the fire started and could not get ahold of each other due to the power outage. My mom, stepdad and little sister did not get out of Lahaina until the day after and they could not locate my stepdads parents. They finally found his parents at the shelter. This is actually the second time my mom experienced losing her home to a fire. Back in 2018 she lost her home from a fire in Lahaina. Please help my family. They all left their homes with the clothes on their backs and everything is gone. My mom, little sister, stepdad, grandparents and I need your help and we appreciate any donations and prayers.