Nicole Hala’api’api & Family


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The name of my brave mother is Nicole Hala’api’api my name is Victoria rose Hala’api’api and I have 5 more brothers that are devastated. she slept on 505 beach Once she woke up she walked around she saw a fire department truck so she walked over to it. The fire department truck took her up to Maui prep academy, once she got there she Help check people in , she was a first responder.
I forgot to add a detail she tried to stop the fire by Walgreens and ross with buckets of water. She is now safe.
The name of my brave mother is Nicole Hala’api’api my name is Victoria rose Hala’api’api and I have 5 more brothers that are devastated.
My mom and I have lost are house in Lahaina unfortunately we couldn’t grab anything from our house. I just wanted to let people know that I’m not the only person that have loss there home so with this money we could help others as well.

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